You have two job offers – which one should you take?

by | 11.08.22

This is the kind of dilemma every job seeker would love to have. You’ve worked really hard to find the perfect job and have received not one, but two great job offers. What do you do now? Choosing between two jobs isn’t easy especially if you like both but here are some tips to help you before you accept an offer:

Have you got all the information you need

Before you start comparing jobs make sure you have all the information needed to paint a complete picture. You need to know more than just the salary. For example, you need detailed information on the benefit packages provided and future prospects. It is really important you are armed with enough information to make an educated decision.

Compare salary and benefits

Whilst the salary you are going to earn and the benefits you are going to receive aren’t the be all and end all, they are important considerations. In the current market every penny matters so any pay increase is an advantage as is a good pension, private medical cover, a cycle to work scheme, a season ticket loan scheme, corporate discounts and annual bonuses. All these things need to be taken into consideration but should not form the basis of your decision although they will probably help you to make your choice.

What is the journey like?

Time spent getting to and from work is time wasted as far as most people are concerned so look at the two journeys involved. Can you drive to work? Is there parking available or will you have to pay to park? If you are using public transport is it a direct route on the bus? Is it one train or have you got to change and if so how many times as it will all add time to your journey. Travel is a really important thing to consider as it has to be sustainable.

What was your first impression?

When you arrived at the Company for your interview what was your initial reaction? Did you like what you saw, was the receptionist welcoming and are the offices nice. What about the person that interviewed you, what did you think about them? Were they professional, did they give you a good insight into the role, did they answer any questions you posed to your satisfaction. If the person who interviewed you became your boss – could you work for them? If you have any doubts about the Company or the people who work there then it will make your choice easier.

What prospects would be available for you?

Most people like to think that they can progress in a role so what prospects are going to be available? The larger a Company is the more opportunities there are going to be. So if your career is important to you you may want to consider the size of an organization when making your decision. By the same token in a smaller Company will generally give you more responsibility, so therefore you have the opportunity to learn more skills and gain more experience than in a larger organization where you will be doing your job and your job only. So think about it, what do you really want, what is best for you?

Do you like the job content?

The best job for you is going to be the one that stimulates you the most. So look carefully at the duties involved in each position and decide what is going to be the best one for you. If one job is paying £2K more than the other but you know you could be bored in the role don’t choose that one. The most important thing about any job you choose is that it interests you, you will enjoy doing it and it will stimulate your brain so make the right choice.

Decide what really matters

Identify what is really important to you. Onsite childcare may not be relevant at all, but hybrid working could be very important. Look at what is on offer and see if it appeals to you. Once you identify what is important to you and what will support your work/life balance it becomes easier for you to make a decision. It could be working close to home is important or working 9am-5pm. Working from home could be a requirement as well. Once you have decided what really is important to you it’s much easier for you to make a decision.

Can you negotiate?

If your heart is set on one offer because you like that Company the most but it is not paying as much as the other, perhaps it is worth trying to negotiate – you never know. Don’t use blackmail tactics but it is well worth trying to negotiate. A good way to do this is simply to explain to the employer you prefer their position and tell them how much the other employer has offered and ask if they can increase their offer at all. It’s always worth a try. Do appreciate though that some employers can’t pay more than they have advertised the job at, this could be because of what other people are earning in the Company or it could be because they have defined pay grades. Try to remember though that whilst money is important it’s not everything. Being happy at work is the most important thing.

Identify any red flags

Did anything happen in the interview that you were not happy with? How comfortable did you feel talking to the people who were interviewing you? Don’t overlook warning signs that could mean you won’t be happy – believe me they will be there you just need to recognize them. When you have a choice of jobs it is critical that all the boxes have been ticked and if you have any reservations you need to acknowledge them and they should form part of your decision process. Making the right choice is essential so therefore signs which normally you may have ignored need to be looked at carefully.

Turn down the loosing offer nicely

Once you have made your decision – but before you pop the champagne, politely turn down the other job offer. Thank the employer for their interest and keep the door open for the future if possible – you never know when you’ll be on the job hunt again. No-one wants to be a loser and you may find the employer you are saying no to is not very happy they are being rejected, you can understand it really so make sure you do this with as much empathy as you can master and as nicely as possible

If you have two job offers you are really, really lucky just make sure though that you make the right choice and it is for the right reasons.

Hope you make the right decision.

Good Luck

Angela Burton