You didn’t get the job – why?

by | 29.09.22

Finding out you have not got a job you have gone for is never easy. No one likes being rejected, however you need to use this experience to help you get the next job you go for. It’s time to look at yourself and improve your interview technique. Focus on the negatives, think about what could have gone wrong and how you can stop yourself making the same mistakes at your next interview. Don’t think too hard about things but try to assess what affected the employer’s decision. Here are some tips:

Did you do your homework?

Did you really spend enough time on your preparation, did you research the employer, were you fully au fait with what their business did and how the role you applied for fitted in within the organization. It is so easy to research a Company these days, 99.9% of businesses have websites so it’s just a case of googling the organization and looking at what product or service the employer provides. It’s also a good idea to look up the person who is interviewing you on Linked In to get an idea of what they are like. Don’t ever think you can wing it, research is essential in today’s job market.

Did you study the job description?

Did you get a job description from the employer? If so did you read it thoroughly? If you didn’t then you deserve not to get the job. Reading a job description allows you to identify duties you are familiar with as well as skills and experience you have that are needed for the position. Read, read and re-read the job description if you have one so that you are really familiar with it, I promise you it will help you in your interview.

Did you dress appropriately?

First impressions count, how did you present yourself, were you dressed in a business like fashion this means in business attire i.e.: a suit, skirt/trousers with a smart shirt/blouse or a smart dress. You should always dress to impress. They say an employer makes up their mind in the first 60 seconds of meeting a candidate and part of this quick decision making will be based on what you look like. If you want an office job you have to look like you deserve one. If you go in jeans or leggings you will probably be given short shift.

Were you on time for your interview?

If you get to an interview late my advice to you would be don’t bother going in. There is nothing more irritating to an employer than people thinking it’s okay to get to an interview late. If you do go in and the employers see you for heaven sake don’t say you got lost, the journey was horrendous or they are not where you thought they would be. This shows a lack of preparation at best or laziness on your part at the worse.

Ask what went wrong?

Try to get some feedback from the employer, this may help to understand the areas you need to improve on. They may not be prepared to give you detailed feedback but a few constructive comments may help. Maybe you need to look at your interview technique, things like body language, having questions prepared for the employer and having done your research are really important. It is also crucial that you have a bit of the likability factor so even if you are nervous, smile. If you are really, really nervous tell the employer this makes you human and could even help you get the job.

Are you applying for the right jobs?

Are you sure that your experience and background was right for the job – or were you chancing it? When you attend interviews there will always be competition so if you don’t fit the brief there is a good chance you won’t get the job. So before you make random applications be sure they are the right applications and you have the skills and experience you need to stand a good chance of being offered the role. You may want a Directors position but unless you have worked at that level in the past it’s unlikely you are going to be offered the job.

Did you sell yourself?

In the interview did you perform or did you just sit and listen to what was being told to you? It really is important in an interview that you promote yourself along with the skills and experience you have to meet the requirements of the job. Selling yourself need not be hard if you have applied for jobs that are right for you as all you have to do is explain what responsibilities you have in your current role and how they are similar to what the employer is looking for. Don’t forget to smile, listen carefully and use positive body language to get your message across.

Don’t pin your hopes on a specific job

Always be prepared for rejection, always have a plan B. Never consider the result of an interview a comment on your ability. If you don’t get the job bounce back. If you are clever you will always be pursuing multiple opportunities. You know it is never wise to put all your eggs in one basket so make sure you are applying for every job you are suitable for. I’m also a great believer in fate and firmly feel that if it is not meant to be – it’s not meant to be.

Understand you are not alone

Many more people are turned down for jobs than get them. On average at least six people will be interviewed for any position available, therefore five are going to be rejected – that’s a simple fact. Once you accept that you can focus on the next opportunity. Rejection is not nice and none of us like it but it happens, remember when you were not picked for the football, rounders or netball team at school you got over it. Believe me you will get over this.

Don’t dwell on the past

Once rejected it is easy to feel you have failed. Instead of focusing on rejections, try to focus on things you have succeeded at. Remembering those positive outcomes will help boost your morale and confidence, they will also make you believe you are meant for something bigger and better. Analyse what you could have done better to improve your chances next time but accept that it could just be a case of the job not being right for you.

So to summarise the best way to deal with rejection is to keep a smile on your face. Turn each rejection into a learning opportunity and stay focussed on your ultimate goal, we promise you the day will come when you find the perfect job.

Happy Job Search!

Angela Burton