Why you shouldn’t lie in a job interview

by | 11.01.24

When it comes to job interviews it’s easy for candidates to feel like they need to beef up their CV a little. Add a bit more experience, perhaps bump up exams a grade or two or maybe fib about their salary. Afterall you want to get the job and you also want a pay increase but I’m going to explain why you should never lie:

It’s not you

First and foremost one of the main reasons you shouldn’t lie is because it’s not you. You are attending the interview in order to show why you, both as a person and with the skills you have, are the best candidate for the job. Lying during an interview puts you at risk and also it’s unfair on the Company who is interviewing you.

You risk being tested

If you claim you can fly a plane during your interview, it’ll soon become apparent that you can’t if you are sat in a cockpit and told to prove it. Lying in an interview might give you short-term success however this success could be short-lived when it comes out that you have lied and the experience you claim to have is untrue.

Your reputation

We know you may not be scarface but you still have a reputation to protect and if you are caught lying during a job interview not only will it lead to embarrassment, but you can more or less kiss your chances of landing the job goodbye. So don’t risk lying, cheaters never prosper and liars never win in the end.

You can be found our easily

The two things people lie about more than anything else is the salary they were on in their last role or their job title. These are the easiest lies to be found out. Once a new employer sends for a job reference they will know immediately if you have lied about your salary. Be honest about everything, particularly these two issues because believe me you will be rumbled.

Education is a dangerous thing to lie about

Never, ever lie about your qualifications, in some instances by doing this you are committing a criminal act. You probably think employers don’t bother verifying qualifications because they will trust what you say. The problem is you have no real idea whether they will or they won’t. Its not hard for employers to make these checks so why risk it, surely your ego’s not that big?

Bragging is as bad as lying

Bragging about your skills and experience could get you in serious trouble. Even exaggerating your abilities mildly will show up fairly quickly if you are lucky enough to be offered the job. Honesty is always the best policy, lying about your abilities could easily get you the sack very quickly.

Don’t lie about why you left your last job

This is a very common lie particularly if you’ve been sacked but don’t be tempted. Your last employer will be asked to provide a reference and they have two choices, they can refuse to provide one for you or they could say you were dismissed. Best to be honest in this situation, explain the circumstances as best you can, the worst thing that can happen is you won’t get the job.

You have to remember lies

No-one remembers everything they have said. You may succeed with a small or white lie during an interview but don’t celebrate this. Because there’s a good chance you’ll get a second interview or even a trial period at the job. Suddenly your small or white lies becomes a big problem as you’ll need to remember them. Eventually believe me you’ll crack and either forget the lie you told or slip up and tell the truth.

You need a good poker face to lie

If you’re unfamiliar with what a poker face is, it’s defined as “an impassive expression that hides one’s true feelings”, in other words, your lying face. If you are going to lie during a job interview, which you should never do, you’re likely to be caught out because of your facial expressions and body language. As one lie snowballs into another, soon you will find yourself entangled in a web of lies. This is why you should never lie during an interview, not only is it morally wrong, but it will also affect you more than you think.

You will have to live with the guilt

Guilt. You know that feeling you got when you were a child and peaked at your Christmas presents weeks before the big day. Yes that type of guilt. When a lie during an interview secures you a job not only have you potentially taken a job away from a more deserving candidate but you have also set yourself up for a healthy dose of guilt. So unless you have an antisocial personality disorder and have no remorse and never feel guilty do not lie.

It can sometimes take a long time to get a job, your CV can be rejected time after time but never be tempted to lie in order to obtain employment. Most employers have a policy on lies being grounds for termination so having got a job by lying that job could easily be taken away from you.

Good Luck.

Angela Burton