When is the best time to look for a job?

by | 13.02.19

There are certain times in the year that are far better than others to apply for jobs, we’re going to go through month-by-month so you’ll know whether the time is right to start looking for that new role.


January and February

This is a great time to look for a job, in fact it is probably the best time of the year as most industries recruit at this time. It is the time of the year when the greatest number of decision-makers are in the office together, so you can get a job offer very quickly and start the new job you want.


March, April and May

These are still very good months to apply for jobs. The surge in recruiting keeps some momentum until summer arrives. However there is more competition. More people are applying for jobs at this time so make sure your interview techniques are first class.


June, July and August

Summer months are usually very slow and typically aren’t the best time to be looking for a new role. Managers are on holiday and it can be hard for employers to conduct interviews and make decisions on recruitment. Expect the recruitment process to be slow.


September and October

These months are really good times to look for a job. More employers recruit, interviews happen quickly and decisions are made. There will be less time waiting for a decision during this period. It is a great time to job hunt so take advantage.


November and December

We don’t want to put you off looking for a job during this period but typically it is a very slow time. Employers start to shelve their recruitment plans and save them for the beginning of the next year. It really is not a good time.

Whilst this information can guide you, don’t overthink it. If you need a job in December – go for it – the truth is you can get a job in any month, at any time, you only need one job after all.


Why not send your CV – we may be able to help you!