What should you look for in a job?
Recent research has shown that nearly 1 in 3 people in the UK are unhappy in their current job. Furthermore apparently 57% of workers are thinking about moving jobs – but what makes you happy and how do you know your employer values you?
Here are some tips on assessing your current position and whether you should stay there or whether it is time to move on.
A fair salary
Whilst what you are paid is not the be all and end all of everything, it is still a huge factor, everyone wants to feel like they are valued and that their pay reflects the hard work and effort they put in.

Opportunities for personal development
We all want to progress and improve our skill set. In your role you should be able to see a clear progression path and be able to identify opportunities which could be available for you if you work hard.
Work-life balance
Nobody wants to feel overworked and burnt out. A good employer will not demand you work extra hours and take work home. They also encourage employees to take their full holiday entitlement and lunch hour.
We all want to feel appreciated and valued. Recognition comes in many forms it isn’t always a huge pay rise or a bonus. A good employer will tell you when you are doing well or complement you on a job well done.
Company Culture
You are much more likely to work hard and be productive when everyone else is doing the same. The perfect work environment should consist of working and having fun at the same time.
We all value a good benefit package, but not all employers can afford to offer this. Some benefits need not cost a fortune and if your employer treats you to cakes on a Friday or occasionally orders pizza for everyone for lunch you are working for a winner.
If you are someone who does not feel valued and believes that your employer is not offering you what you need maybe it is time for you to look for a new job – where you’ll receive what you want and need in the workplace.
Send us your CV if you need our help.