What do you do? You’ve got a job offer but prefer another job you’ve seen

by | 27.10.23

During your job search you could go on many interviews before you get a job offer. It may be tempting to accept the offer straight away, but if you are waiting on the outcome of a job you would rather have it’s a tricky dilemma. What do you do? Here are some tips:

Say thank you

When you get a job offer the first thing you should do is thank the employer. Make sure you emphasise your appreciation and how much you value the job offer. Do this immediately if the job offer is made via email or letter.

Ask for the offer in writing

If you received an informal offer in the form of a telephone call or by email consider asking for it in writing. An offer in writing ensures that the job is yours. It’s essential to obtain a formal offer to help you accurately assess the job in terms of salary, benefits and responsibilities. This can help you to decide whether to accept this offer or wait for the result of the other interview.

Ask the Company when they need a decision

Don’t be afraid to ask the employer when they require a decision. You don’t know they may say there is no rush as long as they have a decision by the end of the week. This will give you additional time to see if you get an offer from the other role.

Maybe you should ask for time to consider the offer

If the employer seems to want an immediate answer consider asking for more time to make your final decision. Be careful with this one though because there is a good chance they have a second choice candidate and they may withdraw the job offer.

Tell the other Company you have another job offer

In order to maybe hurry the other Company along tell them you have received a job offer to try to get a response from them. Tell them you would rather have their job and if it was offered you’re likely to accept it, but you urgently need a decision. Don’t be afraid to ask when that most likely would be.

Consider the other job carefully

Why is the other Company taking so long to give you an answer? Well the most likely reason is that they are not 100% sure you are right for the role and are still looking out in order to see if there is anyone more suitable out there. Consider this fact and then decide whether it is worth losing the job offer you have for a job offer which may not materialise.

Evaluate the two jobs

Consider both jobs, you liked the look of both of them otherwise you wouldn’t have applied for them. One of them want’s you and one is not sure about you. Think logically is it worth losing the job offer you have for a job offer you may not get?

Compare each job carefully

Before you risk losing a job offer waiting for something else which may not materialise check out the two jobs really carefully. Create a comparison chart and compare the salaries, benefits, workplace environment, location, the work life balance they offer, the job content and responsibilities and the opportunities available for advancement. This will help you decide whether to wait around for the other Company or not.

Consider how desperate you are for a job

If you can afford not to be working or are currently in employment you are not desperate for a job. However if you are unemployed and need to be getting a regular income you are in a different position. So depending on your circumstances you may be able to afford to wait around for the other Company to give you a decision. If you need a wage packet consider this “a bird in the hand is better than a bird in the bush”.

Trust your instinct

If the job you have been offered doesn’t feel right for you and that’s why you are hanging around for the other offer turn down the offer you have received. Use your intuition to determine what to do. Never ever accept a job because it’s the only offer you have received, accept it because you want it and can see you’re going to be with the employer long term. The fact that you are waiting on the other Company leads me to believe you probably don’t want the first job offer but can’t admit it to yourself.

So there you go, my advise to you is follow your heart, if you get a job offer consider it on its own, don’t go comparing it with other jobs you’ve been for but have not received an answer on, always trust your instinct.

Good luck

Angela Burton