What Do Recruitment Agencies Do?

by | 09.06.23

We are often asked this question by candidates who have applied for a job we are advertising and don’t understand why they need to go through us and cannot go directly to the employer. Well, the truth is we do a lot and can really support you with your job search. Here are some of the things we do…

We can make your job search easier

Agencies provide you with a tailored job search, they also support and guide you as to the type of positions that would be right for you. Another thing they can do it make your job search more manageable and provide useful feedback on how you perform at an interview.

We are specialists

Every Agency has a specialization, for instance we deal with all level of office vacancies. Other Agencies will specialize in legal, accountancy or driving jobs. You name a type of job and believe me there will be an Agency out there ready and waiting to help you.

We deal with jobs local to our office

Agencies will always deal with employers who are located locally to where they are based, so if you look for an Agency local to where you live you can be assured they will be offering you local jobs. Companies based close to an Agency will always use them in order to get the best local candidates.

We can provide temporary work

Agencies can help you out when you are between jobs by providing you with temporary work. Employers use temporary workers when they are short-staffed and often these roles can lead to an offer of permanent employment so they are always worth considering. Job seekers allowance is pretty poor and by doing temporary work you will definitely be earning a reasonable wage.

We provide a tailored job search

Agencies will tailor your job search and ensure they only discuss vacancies with you that are suitable and that you have the skills and experience to do. Additionally an Agency will only offer you jobs that you can get to easily and that you can afford to take. By doing these simple things an Agency can save you disappointment and time.

We can provide you with support and guidance

A good Agency will understand the local job market and specific industries and they will help you to make the most of what you have to offer. A good Agency will help you with your interview skills, tidy up your CV and give you support and guidance as to what the employer is looking for. If you form a good relationship with an Agency they can be instrumental to your successful career progression.

We can provide you with useful feedback and advice

Agencies will provide you with feedback throughout the time you are with them, whether it be CV or interview feedback or constructive tips and advice if you didn’t get the job. This invaluable learning opportunity can give you the insight into how to improve your performance and could give you the edge over other candidates and help your future chances.

We have jobs that are not publicly advertised

Many employers choose to use an Agency rather than advertise their vacancy. The main reason for this is so that they get a short list of suitable candidates and are not flooded with unsuitable CV’s which they have to wade through. So you know if you have been submitted for a role through an Agency you are going to be one of a few not one of hundreds.

We can influence employers

Agencies can provide employers with an insight into what you are like. Employers rely on Agencies to provide an opinion on how you came across to them and work on recommendations received. So an Agency has a lot of sway on whether you get an interview or not. Even if your CV is not perfect for the role an Agency is capable of still obtaining you an interview that maybe you would not have got otherwise.

We can negotiate on your behalf

Hopefully you will quickly get a job offer by using an Agency and that’s when we become really useful. Whilst we must meet our client expectation we are also always going to represent you as best as we can. So when you get a job offer we will negotiate the salary and benefit package on your behalf, we will do the nitty gritty and have those uncomfortable conversations on your behalf.

I hope this has helped you to understand us in some way. Fundamentally we are matchmakers and like dating job searching is stressful and confusing. Let us take the stress out of your job search. We know job hunting is demanding and we are here to help you – that’s our job!

Angela Burton