Should you accept a job – Yes or No?

by | 21.04.22

When you are looking for a new job, it can be hard to tell if the job you been offered is going to be the right job for you. You don’t want to jump out of the proverbial frying pan into the fire, so it’s important to take your time to carefully evaluate any job offer you receive before handing in your notice. From a high salary to better benefits and structed career growth, there are a number of key positives to watch for that indicates a job offer is worth accepting. Consider accepting job offers that provide some of the following features:

A Higher Salary

As you grow your skill set and become a more experienced professional it is right that you expect to be compensated for your advanced knowledge and abilities. A potential employer who sees your worth and is willing to offer you a competitive salary is worth considering. You will feel valued and respected because you know they understand what you can bring to the table. A higher salary provides more financial freedom and allows you to improve your quality of life. If the salary offered is more than you are earning in your current job, this role is definitely worth considering.

Better Benefits

Perks and benefits can make, or break job offer. Things like bonuses, private health care, training support, cycling to work scheme or season ticket loans are all work considering. Think about which benefits could be important to you and how often would you use them. While major benefits like private health cover are obviously wonderful, smaller perks like gym membership or free parking help to lower your outgoings. Outside of salary, perks and benefits can make a positive difference to you. If a new role offers more or better benefits than your current job if could be the right more for you.

Lower Expenses

By lowering your expenses, you could be much better off. Sometimes a job search can lead you to roles with fewer out of pocket costs. For example, in a working from home role you don’t have to worry about paying for travel, parking, buying lunches and purchasing office attire. Some office-based roles can offer free parking, lunches and have no formal dress code. The job may be much near to your home and therefore your travel costs are hugely reduced. A job nearer home will also save you time and you know what they say – time saves money.

Structed Pay Increases

Not all jobs provide structed pay increases, but those that do let you know exactly what to expect when it comes to raises and bonuses in the future. For example, some companies give annual reviews that include pay increases. Most employers who offer structure pay increases will let you know exactly what you need to do in order to get a good pay rise, they will give you clear goals to work forward in order to propel your career forward.

Structed Career Path

Whilst not all employers share details of their career advancement plans the person who recruits you should be at least able to explain the possibilities for career growth for the position you have applied for. This especially enticing if there’s a chance you could progress into your dream job in the future. If you haven’t been told anything about carer growth during the interview progress, a good time to ask this when you get a job offer. Understanding where a new role can take you in the future will definitely help you decide whether it’s the job for you.

The Company Is Solid

It can be hard to learn details about a company’s financial health during a job interview, but there are some positive indications to watch for. When you research the company look at their company house records, all limited companies have to file annual accounts by looking at these you will be able to find out how finally secure an organisation is. It’s also important to take note of general information you find out about the company as well. For example, read up on whether there have ever made redundancies or it they have ever keen part of a scandal. If the business you have applied for has been experiencing strong, constant growth it’s a sign they are doing well and would be a good place for you to work.

A New Job Titles

A new job title can equate to career advancement. In turn taking on new responsibilities translate usually to a higher wage. A job offer that comes with a new, better job title is, in many ways a promotion which will help you to climb the corporate ladder. That makes it more appealing, all else being equal, than a job offer which comes with the same job title that you have now, or one that Is junior to your current role. If an already generous job offer comes with a new title that will help you move forward in your career path; it’s definitely work considering.

Realistic Work Expectations

Realistic work expectations don’t just come with emotional and mental benefits like less stress, but they also often have financial benefits as well. Jobs that pay you a salary but regularly expect additional work to be done during evenings of weekends may not add up to as much pay as you think. For example, working 40 hours per week and getting paid £500 per week works out to be more than working 50 hours a week and getting paid the same. If work life balance is important to you and you want to ensure your salary accurately reflects your work expectations take a careful look at your job offer. Pay attention to the work hours and whether there’s any mention of evenings of weekends. If overtime isn’t addressed in your offer or the hours are unclear ask the potential employer for clarification before accepting the role.

The People

For some people the number one consideration is not the money – it’s the people. Your boss, your team and the co-workers that will surround you everyday are crucial for your happiness and success at work. Yes I know its hard to judge people after only meeting them briefly but think about how they treated you during the interview process. Were they friendly? Did they ask personal questions as well as professional ones? Did they get back to you in a timely manner? The answer to these questions may reflect how your co-workers and superiors will treat, you as an employee.

Your Gut

Finally, after you’ve weighed up, the important factors take time to listen to what your gut is telling you. People often say when they are buying a house “when you walk into the one for you – you’ll feel it” The same advice applies here, if you walk out of an interview and everything feels right or wrong . Pay attention to that feeling.

Finally a higher salary, better benefits and a really secure working environment are all important factors when it comes to evaluating and accept a job offer. But its important not to focus on one single aspect of the job but to look at the total package to determine what’s really on the table. Remember you can negotiate a  with potential employer but only bother doing this if you really want the job.

Good Luck

Angela Burton