New Year Career Resolutions

by | 05.01.24

It’s 2024 and we would like to wish all the workers out there a really successful year as far as your career is concerned. Here are some tips that might help you to progress in the workplace and to make your work life balance a little easier:

Adopt healthy habits at work

Studies show that one-third of us do not move around enough at work and are sedentary for at least six hours of the working day. Make it your New Years resolution to move around more. Small walks such as using stairs rather than the lift will make a huge difference to your health and give your eyes and brain a rest.

Start meal prepping

Food is your fuel so it pays to feed yourself healthy food that keeps you focused and energized. The best way to do this is by preparing your lunch at home as healthy food options in the workplace are scarce and it’s tempting to get a Big Mac or doughnuts for lunch. By bringing your lunch to work you will also save money.

Learn a new skill

When you learn a new skill your educating yourself. Pick one valuable skill that will help your career and dive head-first into working to acquire it. The more skills you have the better, it will set you apart and put you in line for promotions and more opportunities in the workplace.

Read a career related book

We live in the age of information so there are books about absolutely any topic you can think of. There are books out there that can help you improve productivity and develop professionally, so set yourself apart from the rest and make sure you read a career – related book this year.

Sign up to a suitable blog

There are hidden gems for your career to be found in a number of blogs. Once you have found a blog which gives you lots are useful information related to your career, make sure that you subscribe.

Keep your CV updated

It is important that you are able to take advantage of employment opportunities when they come along. To do this your CV needs to be updated. Even if you don’t intend on applying for a new position updating your CV keeps your information on track. This gives you an overview of where you are and helps you define steps to get where you want to be.

Update your LinkedIn profile

When you’ve updated your CV it’s important that you also update your LinkedIn. LinkedIn is your digital CV and your business card, so freshen it up as you go into 2024. Take some time to see what your connections and others have done with their profiles so that you can get some ideas.

Increase your professional network

In order to move forward in your career you’ve got to embrace networking as one of your New Year’s resolutions. Networking with other professionals is a great opportunity to meet like-minded people and put yourself out there. You should use LinkedIn as a tool to help you find networking events in your local area.

Find a mentor

Mentors can help you develop as a professional and advance your career. Start looking for someone you highly respect in your Company and reach out to them and ask if they’re willing to be your work mentor.

Clean out your desk drawers

Get rid of all the rubbish in your desk drawers and don’t be afraid to get heavy handed with it. Clear out everything that is no longer relevant, required or useful. Include in your New Year’s resolutions the aim for a clean workplace as this will help you stay focused at work.

Apart from New Year resolutions that you need to apply yourself in order to have a fruitful work life in 2024, ensure you are happy in your job, if you are not it doesn’t matter what you do things won’t get any better. The eleventh resolution I would give you in this case is make sure you start looking for a new role immediately.

Happy New Year

Angela Burton