Job Portals Make Looking For A Job Easy

by | 29.04.21

Job portals have changed the job search game. Today if you are looking for a job you do not even have to leave home. You can use online job sites to find jobs available easily. In effect looking and getting a job today has become easier, more accessible and faster. Here are some of the benefits of using this method to find a job

How job portals work

Job portals are the modern version of job boards and have replaced newspapers as the place to advertise jobs. The sites allow job seekers to post their CVs online and apply for posts they think are suitable for them. Similarly they also allow employers and Agencies to review posted CVs and find suitable candidates for their roles. Job Portals are used by employers and Agencies because they allow firms to reach as many candidates as possible for their job vacancies.

Why job portals are important

One of the major advantages of applying for a job online is the availability of endless job opportunities. Job seekers can easily access a wide range of job vacancies. Aside from that most job portals today have filters to help users narrow down results. This feature makes it easier for you to select jobs which are in your field. Likewise, Job Portals can help employers and Agencies speed up their recruitment process. It is easier for employers and Agencies to check candidate CVs online than manually scan printed CVs. Hence Job Portals help save employers and Agencies time.

You save money using a Job Portal

Looking for a job can cost you money. Buying newspapers, travelling to the town centre to register with Agencies or the Job Centre. Aside from your transport costs, you will probably buy a coffee out and you will definitely need to look presentable so you may have to invest in a ‘job seeking’ outfit. Worry no more for a Job Portal lets you search for jobs without breaking your wallet. All you have to do is submit your CV online and wait for your future employers’ response!

You get regular job alerts

A good job portal provides regular job alerts whenever there are job openings for you. This way, you will not miss a chance to apply for jobs and get back on the career ladder. Likewise, you can explore more posts to gain better options. The job comes to you – what could be easier?

It is all confidential

Once you register with a job portal, all your skills, achievements and personal details will be kept completely private. All your data will be kept safe unless you allow them to share your details with an employer or an Agency. Also Job Portals keep your job search history confidential which allows you to do this task secretly.

It is very efficient

Job Portals are the most efficient job search tools. With these portals you can apply for a job effortlessly. Apparently, it takes employers and Agencies 39 days to fill a job they advertise this way. Instead of putting in a lot of work trying to source the right job you can simply sit back and submit your CV online. After submitting your application, you can relax and wait for your future employer to respond.

The are always lots of job opportunities

Job Portals provide a full array of job vacancies. All types of employers use them to advertise jobs. From large blue-chip organisations through to Joe Bloggs + Co. around the corner. Agencies use them as well, so you are getting the best of both worlds. Jobs that are being advertised directly and jobs that are only being advertised through an Agency. It is a win, win, win situation.

Employers like Job Portals

An employer or an Agency only has one goal and that is to source the right candidate for their position. Using a Job Portal makes the recruitment process easier for employers and Agencies to select the best candidate for the role. The employer or Agency will know you have the right skills, achievements and experience for their position.

Make Sure You Shine

Whilst it is easy to identify jobs that could be right for you online and whilst your CV could be put in front of an employer or Agency it does not mean they are going to select you for an interview. The CV you post online needs to be a good one. Not too long and not too short, clear and understandable. Your work experience needs to be concise and easily understood. Never use jargon in your CV and definitely use bullet points. Another tip is only going back five years in your work history. Your CV should be a positive insight into you and the experience you have had recently, no employer wants to read about what you were doing in the 1990s. So, make your CV work for you.

Create the right job alert profile

In order that you are contacted about the right jobs, jobs that are really suitable for you need to set up the right job alert profile. By setting up the right keywords you will make your search for a job more efficient and ensure that you get the best jobs first. Most job portals ask you to list a job title, our advice is to be not too specific for instance if your last position was as a Sales Support Assistant keep your job title generic i.e.: Customer Service, that way you will get more job opportunities coming your way. Do the same with location you want to work in. The centre of Harrow may be your first choice but by putting Middlesex again you will get more job alerts. The key to having success on a job portal lies with you so do not be too restrictive.

How to choose the right Job Portal for you

Different Job Portals advertise different types of jobs. So, it is important that you choose the right ones for you, the ones which are going to provide you will the most job opportunities. We would advise you to try popular large mainstream job boards like Indeed, Monster, Total Jobs and Reed. These sites advertise mainstream office jobs from entry level up to executive roles. They are also the most popular sites with employers so are always going to have the most jobs that would be suitable for you.

 Be prepared for an online interview

If an employer or Agency is advertising on a Job Portal they are into technology. So, you can be sure that your first interview with them is definitely going to be via Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Skype so you need to be prepared. If you are not familiar with these technologies, it is a good idea to practise with a friend before conducting the interview. It often takes a few tries to get the hang of angling the camera so that your whole face – not just your left nostril is in the frame. Plus you will want to find a flattering angle and practice making eye contact with the interviewer via the camera. Newbies to this technology tend to stare at their own image on the screen rather than looking at the camera which can appear odd not to mention disengaged. So be sure to practice so you feel confident.

All in all, Job Portals can help job seekers, employers, and Agencies alike. This method of finding a job has already aided thousands of candidates find employment in the most convenient way. Similarly Job Portals have also helped employers find the best candidates and Agencies source the cream of job seekers. Make sure you choose the right Job Portal for you, set up the right profile and sit down and wait for the job opportunities to role in. Then its down to you to get through the job interview. 

Happy Job Search – Good Luck

Angela Burton