Is it time to leave your job?

by | 01.09.23

Deciding to leave a job is a significant moment in your professional career. While it’s normal to have challenges at work, feeling a deep and lasting dissatisfaction with your job is worth exploring. It’s important to recognise the difference between when you should work through a challenge and when it’s time to leave a position. Here are some common signs that may mean it’s time for you to move on. Here you go:

You’re underusing your skills

During your career you have gained a variety of skills which were initially used in your current role, however your job has now changed and your skills are no longer being used to their full potential and you feel unfulfilled. Now could be the right time to move your career forward and obtain a more fulfilling position.

You’re always getting ill

No job is worth making yourself sick for so if you think stress from your job is hurting your health then you need to consider your future. Poor mental health and stress has a big impact on your physical health. So if your job is making you ill it might be time to consider moving on.

You’ve lost all your motivation

Do you find yourself zoning out at work or constantly checking the clock? Are you stuck in a rut and feel uninspired? If this sounds like you it might be time to shake things up in a new role. Your job should be challenging but it should be rewarding as well. Don’t spend your life wishing the hours away, change your job instead.

You’re working too much overtime

Are you typically the first one in and the last one out of the door? It’s great to show commitment to your job but consistently working long hours is likely to leave you feeling burnt out. A good work-life balance is essential for us to feel physically and mentally well. Perhaps it’s time for you to find a job that let’s you work to live and not live to work.

You’re being underpaid

If you think you’re being underpaid your first port of call should be to research the market rate for jobs similar to what you do. If most roles are advertised at a higher salary than you’re earning speak to your boss about getting a pay rise. If they refuse then it’s time to cut your losses and move on.

You’ve been overlooked for promotion

If your current job has stopped challenging you, this might be a sign that you’re ready to take a step up in your career. If promotion opportunities have come around at your Company but you’ve not been considered and if there just isn’t any way for you to move up the ladder, then you should consider looking elsewhere.

You’re working in a bad environment

Do you enjoy the environment you work in? Poor communication, a lack of clear processes and a culture of blame can lead to a hostile and toxic work environment. If you feel resentful towards your colleagues or are constantly on edge that you’ll be blamed for someone else’s failure, it’s likely to leave you lacking in motivation and generally burnt out. Unfortunately, there’s usually very little you can do personally that will change the work environment so it’s probably best to head for the door.

You don’t feel valued

You can’t expect a constant steam of praise from your boss but it’s not unreasonable to want to be thanked for a job well done. Employers that value their staff show this in more ways than just pay and bonuses. They invest in their skills and development and make sure that hard work is acknowledged. If you feel taken for granted, it might be time to take your hard work to somewhere that will appreciate it.

You don’t feel secure

Although many Companies experience cycles of highs and lows, if your Company is underperforming and is in danger of closing then you are bound to be worried. If staff have already been made redundant, or other offices have been closed then it is understandable that you will feel insecure so you have a legitimate reason for leaving.

Your job has changed for the worse

It’s often the case that your duties and responsibilities can evolve the longer you are in a job. This can be a good thing as it might have allowed you to discover a hidden talent or an area of your sector you hadn’t considered before. However if you feel you’ve been pushed into taking on things that make you miserable or are not what you want to be doing with your career then it’s perfectly reasonable to want to move on to get back on track.

So to finalise if you decide you’re ready to leave, it’s important to take time to think about what would make you happy. Are the things that are making you unhappy just down to the Company you work for, or do you feel you no longer want to work in that industry? If you feel your woes are rooted in the Company, then it’s time to dust off your CV and start applying for new jobs.

Angela Burton