Interviews can be a jungle, let us help you prepare

by | 22.01.19

Interviews require a great deal of research and planning. Generally, you should do the following when preparing for an interview:

Read the organisations website, social media profiles and key literature

Research the news, trends, competitors, history and opportunities in the organisation and its sector

Review your CV and application form, know what you have submitted to the organisation

Consider how you’ll explain problematic aspects of your CV such as why you are leaving or left your current / last employer and any gaps in employment

Fully understand the role that you’re applying for by revising the job description and identifying skills the employer is looking for

Anticipate potential questions that may be asked at interview and prepare answers accordingly

Choose the outfit the night before and get plenty of sleep. Plan your journey, aim to arrive ten minutes early. Complete a dry run if possible before the interviews and on the day eat a good healthy breakfast.

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