How to support someone who has lost their job

by | 03.08.20

Loosing a job can cause serious mental and emotional strain, this stress can be exacerbated when there are people to consider.  Unfortunately at the moment many of us have partners, parents, siblings or close friends who have lost their jobs.  Unemployment is a stressful situation, not only for the person experiencing it but for people close to them as well. 

Money is one of the most common things that people stress about and there is no question that unemployment brings money problems as well as a lot of difficult-to-navigate feelings, so how can you support someone who is going through this in the right way?

Get Support

First, reach out to everyone you know who could help find your nearest and dearest a job.  The job market is tough at the moment but you never know who might have a contact that could help.  Sometimes in a dire job market it’s not what you know but who you know.

Share with others

Job loss can put a strain on relationships that’s for sure.  It’s important that the person you are supporting shares their concerns or worries with others, you know what they say a problem shared is a problem halved.  Find support systems to help during this challenging time which will help everyone who has been affected.

Be there in whatever way you can

Each person responds to unemployment differently, so it’s difficult to give one piece of advice that will apply to everyone.  Some people might get angry, others depressed and others withdrawn or alternatively some people have a completely different reaction to what you expect.  Try to be supportive no matter what they are feeling. If they are angry, try to be patient and understanding, but don’t allow them to take things out on you.  Remind them that you are there for them and hopefully you will help them find solutions to the problems that come up.

Help to make a game plan

If you live with the person who has been made redundant and share expenses, you should put together a plan right away.  Take a look at what you need to pay each month and how you can budget differently if necessary.  Even if it is a friend who is in this position you can help them look at their finances.  You can also help plan an attack on the job market and what you can do to help and be supportive. 

Keep lines of communication open

Remember that an important part of good communication is listening. Make sure you really listen to the individual who is in this situation and try to response with empathy.  Even when communication is difficult, its important to keep if going.

How to support someone who has lost their job

Loosing a job can cause serious mental and emotional strain, this stress can be exacerbated when there are other people to consider.  Unfortunately at the moment many of us have partners, parents, siblings or close friends who have lost their jobs.  Unemployment is a stressful situation, not only for the person experiencing it, but for people close to them as well.

Have Fun

In order to be positive you need to be enjoying at least some aspects of your life.  It does not necessarily cost much to have fun.  Suggest a walk in the country, a bike ride, watching a free film on TV, cooking something different together or redesigning the garden. Anything fun that you can do together stops the individual concerned thinking about their situation.

Do something special for the individual concerned

When you see that the situation is getting the individual down sometimes a small gesture that shows you care for the person can really lift their spirits. A bunch of flowers, a bottle of wine, chocolates or treating them to a day out could make all the difference to their morale.

A great many of you will be in a position where you will need to be there for someone either now or in the next couple of months, it is important that you provide as much support as you can.  This terrible time is not going to last forever – the good times will be back soon.

Keep your chin up