How to job hunt effectively while you are already employed

by | 22.01.19

Ready for a new job? Most career experts would tell you to start looking while you’re still employed and they are right! Quitting your current job to find a new one is just not practical for everyone – you don’t know how long it will take and your bills aren’t going to pay themselves! Below we’ve listed our top tips on how to effectively job hunt whilst in your current role.

Don’t job hunt during working hours

Some of you will be lucky enough to work in an environment where you can sneak onto websites and kill time browsing through your social networks – if your one of these people you may be tempted to use this time more wisely and apply for jobs – but don’t! Most Companies can see the time which you submitted your application – it will look bad if you’ve done it smack bang in the middle of the working day. 

Integrity and trustworthiness are qualities that are essential in the workplace…

No Company wants to employ someone who does their own thing when they should be working.

Don’t stop caring about your current role

Just because you have decided to leave doesn’t mean you should stop caring or putting effort into your current role – remember they are the ones who will be giving you a reference – which is essential to obtaining a new role!

Don’t tell everyone

Don’t go around telling everyone you see that you’re planning on leaving – not everyone can be trusted and you never know who might over hear. If the wrong person finds out they may decide to gain some brownie points by running to tell your Manager and they definitely won’t welcome the news.

Use your annual leave – don’t pull sickies

If you’ve been with a Company for several years and never taken a day off sick it will look extremely suspicious if suddenly come down with a nasty cold or serious case of food poisoning every other week. So make sure you use your leave days where possible – try to schedule interviews for early morning or late afternoon – that way you can take off half a day rather than a full day.

Don’t settle for any job

Don’t just accept the first job you’re offered simply because you are desperate to escape your current role. Take your time and really take into consideration what you’re looking for and what aspects of your current role you do and don’t like. If you don’t like the industry you’re currently in there’s no point applying for jobs with Companies operating in the same one – you’ll be just as miserable there than you are now!

If your boss finds out don’t lie and deny it – tell them

If your boss find out your planning to leave they may decide to confront you to find out why – if they do don’t deny it. Tell them truthfully your reasons for wanting to leave – if they want to keep you they will likely try their best to solve whatever is bothering you.

If you’re ready to start your job search email a copy of your CV to – we’ll help you find the perfect new role!