How to help someone struggling to get a job

by | 24.03.23

When someone you know is struggling to find a job you can help them by offering support in different ways. Some people just need someone to listen as they go through the process of finding a new position. Others appreciate those who actively help them search. Here are some tips on how you could provide help and support:

Help with their search

Check our online job boards for positions which may suit your friend, colleague or relative. Send them links to jobs posted online that you think they would like and ask around to see if anyone you know is aware of any employers who are recruiting.

Help them create an online professional

Professional networking and job search on websites are a good way to find opportunities. If your friend or colleague doesn’t already have a profile set up or a LinkedIn page offer to help them get started.

Help them to retrain if that’s what they want

This may be the time for someone who is struggling to find a job to pursue another career path. Offer to help them research courses available to obtain the necessary skills in order to change career direction.

Offer to research potential employers

Help someone seeking a job by finding businesses which may be suitable for them. For instance if your friend or colleague has experience in the marketing sector research Marketing Companies in your area.

Help them find temp work

Working as a temporary employee can easily lead to a permanent job. Offer to help your friend or colleague to identify Agencies that deal with temporary jobs and who have a good reputation in the area.

Go with them to a recruitment event

Offer to attend a Job Fair with someone who is struggling to find work. Having a friend or colleague with you at events like this can be very motivational for a job seeker and can help them immensely.

Help to summarise their accomplishments

Sit down with your friend who is searching for a job and talk about their greatest successes. Make a list of these accomplishments including both work and education to ensure these are listed on their CV.

Help to write their personal statement

You can help someone looking for a job by working on their summary statement. This section should be placed at the top of their CV as an introduction to potential employers. Make sure the statement includes an overview of their skills and experience.

Help them prepare for an interview

Interviews can be scary so offer to help your friend or colleague by role-playing the part of an interviewer. Also help them to prepare a list of questions to ask at the interview, remembering these should be about the job and not about the renumeration.

Practice online interviews

Online interviews are really common nowadays so your friend or colleague needs to be prepared for them. The most common form is Teams so make sure your mate had the right software. Practice with them and provide tips and advice on any improvements they could make.

Shop for interview clothes

Ask your friend or colleague if they have an outfit to wear at interviews. By outfit I’m talking professional office attire. If they don’t offer to take them shopping for something new, help them choose something suitable.

Practice handshakes

It may seem strange, but offering a firm confident handshake to a prospective employer will make a good impression. Most people don’t shake hands on a regular basis so practice this with your friend so they become comfortable doing it.

Brainstorm interview questions

Help your friend, colleague or family member to come up with a list of questions they might be asked during an upcoming interview so they can practice answering. Google common interview questions and go through them, the most important question to practice is “why do you want our job?”.

Celebrate small wins

Getting an interview for a job is worth a celebration, even if they don’t get the job show your support and go out for a drink or a meal. Celebrate the fact that an employer picked them as a top candidate. Find more moments like this to applaud, keep the spirits up.

Offer to go away for a day or so

Going away for a day or so is sometimes a good idea as it takes your friend away from the worry of looking for a job and stressing about being unemployed. Even a day out by the seaside will do your friend good. It will also give them a chance to talk about their worries.

Let them vent

Sometimes it’s helpful to just talk about any disappointments and challenges you have with someone who’s willing to listen. You don’t need to give them a solution, just a safe place for your friend, colleague or relative to share their frustration and scream, shout and moan if necessary.

So to summarise be a mate, being unemployed is horrendous. We all have outgoings and need a wage packet but more importantly we all need to know if we want a job we can get one. Rejection is awful and if someone you know is struggling to get a job by being a good friend you will be able to help them.

Good Luck!

Angela Burton