How to be popular at work

by | 24.08.23

Never have your lunch alone again, let us help you to be popular with your office mates. It’s a bit like being at school. You don’t want to be the one who is known as “billy no mates”. People who don’t mix, eat their lunch at their desk and try to slink into the office without saying hello to anyone will remain at the bottom of the rung in the office, both personally and professionally. Those who make an effort will be rewarded believe me, here are some tips:

Make a good first impression

On the first day of a new job I know you are going to be nervous but it’s important that you make a good impression. It only takes a fraction of a second for someone to form an opinion of you and it’s important that it is a good one. Start building relationships from day one. Smile and be friendly and you’ll lay the foundation for productive friendships.

Try to understand workmates point of view

Put yourself in your workmates shoes when there is a disagreement as this will help you see another perspective. Empathy is a necessary social skill that helps you build relationships with other people. If you want to gain the respect of your workmates you should first try to get inside their heads to learn what motivates them and makes them tick.

Get personal

You spend eight hours a day with your workmates, but do you really know them. It’s hard to have a genuine friendship with someone when conversations are always centred on work. Don’t tell your workmates your darkest secrets but sharing things that have happened in your life or non-controversial opinions with your colleagues can help you build good workplace friendships.

Go out with your workmates on occasion

You can’t build relationships with your workmates if you constantly decline invitations to go out for a drink or a meal after work. Socializing at work can improve productivity. So if you want to be popular spend time with your colleagues outside of work.

Don’t listen to gossip

Workplace gossip happens, it’s an effective way for bullies to form cliques and ostracise others. You might be tempted to join in so you can be part of the ‘in crowd’ but my advice is stay out of the fray. If you are neutral in relation to gossip you can earn your workmates respect and trust, after all they may be the subject of gossip next week and they will know that you are not going to take part.

Appeal to your workmates appetites

When all else fails appeal to your workmate stomachs. Sharing food is a great way to make friends. Chimpanzees who share food with each other produce more oxytocin which is known at the ‘love hormone’. Take a tip from chimps – buy sweets you can share or take in homemade cakes. Food gives you an excuse to stop by your colleagues desk and have a chat.

Help others out

Did you know that performing random acts of kindness makes other people like you more and makes you feel happier too. The next time your workmate has a problem try giving them a hand. It can boost your mood and earn you brownie points with your colleagues.

Be dependable

Aside from being able to perform your job well, you should also be someone your workmates can depend on. Your boss and your colleagues depend on you to do your job well, follow instructions, get into work on time and not be off sick all the time. If you show your workmates they can count on you then you are going to be someone they trust.

Don’t show off

Nobody likes a show-off, not even your superiors. Bragging about your achievements, whether in life or at work, can isolate you from your workmates and your boss. Be aware that showing off isn’t just about bragging. Using big words which no-one understands, making out you are the busiest person in the office, patting yourself of the back for meeting a deadline, all these things can make people think you’re arrogant so beware.

Don’t be a moaner or miserable all the time

Work is hard enough as it is but having to deal with a Debbie Downer every day can affect the workplace morale. Complaining all the time about your workload, or being moody or depressed at work can really affect the office atmosphere. Be the workmate people want to be with, leave your moans and moods at home. Put a brave face on that way colleagues will respect you.

There you go I hope this has helped you. Remember though it’s one thing to want to be popular in your workplace for the professional benefits it brings, but it’s quite another to want to be popular just for popularity’s sake.

Good Luck

Angela Burton