How to be a Star Player

by | 17.11.23

A star player is someone who is a highly effective team member, they aren’t necessarily the most outgoing or extroverted person in the office however they are committed and engaged and they work well with colleagues to ensure team goals are met. They encourage and support fellow workers, listen to other people’s points of view, respect differences and take responsibility for their own actions and mistakes. Here are some tips on how to be considered a real star player:

Set an example

Instead of worrying about your colleagues performance, productivity or commitment, try leading by example and focusing on your own hard work, passion and commitment. When you do your best everyday you’ll raise the standards and performance of everyone around you.

Use your strengths to help the team

The most powerful way you can contribute to your team is to use your skills and talents to help it achieve its visions and goals. Your team needs your effort, focus and talent to succeed. You can do this by developing your strengths so that you can help build a stronger team.

Share your energy

Research shows that emotions are contagious and that your mood affects the people around you, whether it’s good or bad. When you share positive energy and avoid negativity you will enhance the teams mood, morale and performance. For instance if you had a horrible journey into work, don’t walk into the office moaning, put a smile on your face – it’s a new day.

Share any praise you get

If you are praised by the boss for doing a good job, share this praise with your colleagues, make sure you tell them that without their support you would not have been able to complete the job as well as you did. Make sure your ego doesn’t get in the way of your teams mission and purpose.

Build relationships

Relationships are the foundation that winning teams are built on. Star players take the time to connect, communicate and care about colleagues so they build strong bonds and friendships. You can be the smartest person in the room but if you don’t connect with others you will find it difficult to work effectively. Take time to get to know your workmates and build meaningful relationships.

Trust and be trusted

Strong relationships can’t exist without trust. Highly effective team members trust their colleagues and their boss and they are trusted in return. You can earn this trust by demonstrating integrity and by being consistent, honest, transparent, open and dependable.

Hold people accountable

Sometimes people make mistakes and don’t meet team expectations. So don’t be afraid to hold your workmates accountable. However make sure that you have built a good relationship with them first otherwise it could turn into an argument.

Be humble

Highly effective team members are humble which means that they’re willing to learn and improve. Make sure you are open to feedback and suggestions so that you can grow, build strong relationships, develop your skills and put the team first. Be aware of the tremendous power in humility as it can make you and your team more effective.

Don’t be overpowering

It’s important that you know when to speak up but it is a good rule to listen more than you talk. In a team environment some people will always compete to be heard, but those who listen are rarer and are potentially more valuable.

Accept criticism

Highly effective team members understand that criticism provides an opportunity to improve the service provided. This applies whether you are giving or receiving constructive criticism. Accept input with an open mind, likewise when you have to offer criticism or feedback to others be direct and respectful as this would likely inspire people.

So to summarise, everyone wants to enjoy work and if you are a Star Player you definitely will. Your workmates will value you, as will your boss. There is a biblical saying “give and you shall receive” and this is so true in the workplace the more you contribute the better you will be thought of.

Angela Burton