First Impressions Count

by | 22.01.19

There are some basic rules you should follow in an interview, remember you are being assessed and it is really important you make a first good impression. Follow the guide below and you won’t go wrong.

Plan your journey, know where you are going and arrive 10 minutes before your allocated time. No earlier and definitely not later.

Wear smart business attire.

Be friendly with any staff that you meet before the interview.

Greet the person who is interviewing you with a smile and a firm handshake.


Integrity and trustworthiness are qualities that are essential in the workplace…

Relax and sit naturally in the interview room, definitely don’t put anything i.e. bag, bottle of water, file etc. on the interviewer’s desk.

Show your hands during the interview, as this is a sign of honesty and let your personality show, don’t be too quiet.

Answer any questions asked clearly and concisely, do not waffle but also do not give ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers.

Ask relevant questions at appropriate moments as this can show that you’ re genuinely interested in the role and the organisation and really listening to the interviewer.

Avoid talking about any personal problems you have or being negative about previous employers or work colleagues.

Display positive body language, speaking clearly, smiling frequently and retaining eye contact, try to be as enthusiastic as possible.

Highlight your best attributes, experience and ·achievements, based around the skills that you’ve identified as important to the position you are trying to obtain and provide evidence of them by giving practical examples.

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