“Do you have any questions” What to ask at the end of an interview

by | 20.09.23

At the end of nearly every job interview you’ll likely be asked if you have any questions. At this stage it’s a good idea to ask a few questions about the Company and the job to help you decide if the role would be a good fit. By asking genuine questions, you’ll show an employer you’re interested in the role not just the pay packet. Here are some of the best questions to ask and why they will help you get a job offer:

What is your favourite thing about working for this Company?

Asking about your interviewers personal experience will provide you with an insight into the Company’s culture as well as allowing you to create a sense of rapport with the interviewer.

What attributes make for a successful employee in this Company?

This question shows the interviewer that you’re determined to succeed in your career and that you want to be sure you’ll be a good fit for the Company.

Who do you consider your top competitor to be and why?

You’ll have an idea of the Company’s major competitors from doing your research before the interview but asking the interviewer for their thoughts can be useful for getting more insight that can’t be found anywhere else.

What are the biggest challenges the Company is facing right now?

Asking about challenges can tell you about the current trends and concerns in the industry, possibly identifying areas where your skills could be put to good use.

What do you think encourages staff to stay with the Company?

This question can help you get a broader sense of the Company’s culture, its values, how employees see the Company and how you’ll fit in.

Can you elaborate on the day-to-day duties of the job?

This question can clarify the different aspects of the role, especially if its working as part of a team. You’ll hopefully be able to gain a better understanding of the job which will help you decide if it’s the right job for you.

What do you think is the most challenging aspect of the job?

By asking this question it shows that you’re fully aware that the role won’t be without its challenges and it will give you an idea of what expect.

What are the most important qualities needed for this role?

The answer to this question can provide valuable information that’s not in the job description such as the sort skills or technical skills that would help.

Is this a new position? If not why is the current person leaving?

It might feel awkward asking this question but it is an important one. If the current person has been promoted then that’s useful information as you know there are prospects available in the Company.

What are your expectations of a new employee on the first 30 days?

It’s important to find out what will be expected of you if you are to be employed in this position. The more you know about what the expectations for success are, the easier it will be to tailor your experience to demonstrate your fit for the role.

How do I compare with other candidates you’ve interviewed?

This can be an awkward question but if you’ve developed a strong rapport with the interviewer then the question will help you see if there are any concerns or issues you could address to reassure them of your suitability.

Have I answered all your questions?

Find out if there’s anything the interviewer would like to go over. They’ll appreciate the offer and how they answer may be a way for you to estimate how well you’re doing.

What is the next step?

Make sure to ask this question so you’ll know what to expect in the next steps of the interview process. The answer to this question will also give you a good insight into whether you are likely to get a second interview or not. So to finalise, having questions prepared shows the interviewer that you cared enough about the job to put the effort in so write down some important questions. Try not to ask more than three questions and try to ask questions that require more than a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Never, ever ask about salary and benefits, wait until you are told this and finally we would like to wish you good luck.

Angela Burton