Being Nice Can Help You with Your Career

by | 01.07.21

Most people looking for a job know the important characteristics to highlight on their CV; hard worker, self-starter, proven leader, the ability to take on multiple projects etc. There are certain qualities however that you can’t put on your CV that can have a significant impact on your job and your professional career.

It’s not usual to include kindness, selflessness or compassion on your CV even though, these characteristics play integral role in your success, no matter what your profession. Here are some ways being nice can help your career.

They can help you get a job

With so many candidates available for any position, what sets you apart from other qualified candidates? The skills and experience you list on your CV only go so far. Besides your experience employers look for nice, compassionate people who can work well with others. So while working on personal development and brushing up on job related skills is important, being nice and having the likability factor will get you a job.

Being Nice is seen as a strength

Niceness is the key element to a successful, healthy, popular and balanced life. Niceness and strength are not mutually exclusive, rather only the strong can be nice. It’s a type of kindness given freely without expectation of return. Being nice is something that you should do because you can, not because you should. Employers recognise nice people and reward them accordingly.

Niceness is contagions

Being nice is not about being a door-mat. You can be assertive and firm but still be nice. When other people witness acts of kindness they also get a surge of well-being and will often be encouraged to be nice themselves. By not giving into negative people you are spreading joy. From an employer’s perspective they would rather promote someone who is kind, thoughtful and nice.

Being intentionally nice in work

Our society struggles with selfishness and apathy so a nice person can stand out. For instance if you are getting yourself a cup of tea how about asking others if they would like one. Make sure you say ‘Thank you’ when someone opens the door for you. Help your colleagues if they are under pressure. In other words demonstrate how nice you are to others, believe me this will reap rewards.

Being nice makes your work more enjoyable

If you work full time you probably spend 40 hours a week at work. When we log in so many ours, even the most dedicated employees can get burnt out. Work stress is inevitable, but you can make an effort to make the office more comfortable and enjoyable. Humour and positivity is almost equally as important as any other job competencies.

Who you know outweighs what you know

You’ve probably heard this from parents or mentors, but when it comes to career success, it’s all about who you know. When you’re trying to work your way up in your field or take on a greater role, a positive referral from a well-respected colleague can make all the difference. People help people they know, trust and like. Of course this doesn’t mean being overly nice or fake, people see right through that. You need to be genuine and put in the effort to get on with others. People don’t just care about your ability to do the job, they’re also interested in your integrity and they need to like you.

Niceness may be the key to success

Don’t be afraid of being labelled as ‘nice’. Nice guys don’t finish last. In fact niceness may be the key to success. The cream usually does rise to the top. Top executives that become a lasting part of an organisation have intentionally built up relationships through trust, demonstrating they care and being nice. These authentic leaders are not to be confused by the fly-by-night egocentric attention hogs who want all of the status and glory. Successful professionals understand that what they reap is what you sow in business and in life. We do nice things for others because we are kind. It’s a strength. We are nice regardless of the other people’s feelings towards us. Even if another person is unkind – you have the power to be nice to them.

Be a willing worker

Help others where possible, give as much of yourself as possible if someone else needs support. Don’t give to get something in return. If you work late don’t ask to be paid. If you miss your lunch break do it willingly. If a colleague needs assistance to achieve deadlines give them a hand. Extend acts of kindness without expectation. The end result will be worth it. You will be recognised as someone who goes above and beyond what is expected of them. It will definitely help your career in the long term.

People will want to work with you

The way you treat others can directly affect their performance. When you’re kind and show that you care about your colleagues it will motivate them. Being nice to others help build rapport, in turn, building strong relationships which greatly increases your chances of creating a useful career yourself. You don’t have to be best friends with everyone you work with, but you can still develop real, solid connections with colleagues. Praise colleagues for a job well done, encourage teammates when they feel discouraged and make sure   you share a laugh or smile to brighten someone’s day.

So what is the point of this blog? Well basically it’s to stress to you how important it is to develop your personal skills along with your professional ones. No matter where you want your career to go or what you hope to achieve in life, being nice is an essential component that can help you get there and make your journey more fun and memorable.

Good Luck

Angela Burton