Ten steps for finding your new job

by | 07.10.21

Are you looking for a new job? What’s the best way to start a job search, find employers who want to interview you and get a job? Here are ten steps you can take to find a new job, including where to look for jobs, the top sites job to use, how to use your connections to boast your job hunt, how to conduct a successful interview, how to follow up on an application and more advice on how to find your next job:

Find the best job sites

What are the best job sites to use to find openings fast? Well we are fortunate in the UK we have some really, really good ones. We advertise on Reed.co.uk which is great if you are looking for a position in the London area, but on top of them you have Total jobs, Monster CV-Library, Indeed, Adzuna, Escape the City, Otta, Unicorn hunt and WorkInStartUps. Look at them all and decide on 3 or 4 which you believe will suit you best.

Keep your job search focused

When using job sites keep your search focused by using job search engines to find jobs by using key words that match the type of job you want and the area you want to work in. Narrowing your search criteria will help you to focus on your job search and will give you more relevant jobs to look at and fewer unsuitable vacancies to weed through. Use advanced search options to drill down the location where you want to work and the specific positions you’re interested in.

Build your professional brand

You need to develop your own brand, the most common way of doing this by creating a profile on LinkedIn and other professional networking sites. A strong personal brand that portrays you in a professional light will provide Agencies, employers and contacts with a strong positive impression of you as a candidate they should be interested in.

Connect with your contacts

Now you have created profiles on networking sites, start using them. Connect with everyone you know, because you never know which contact may be able to help you with your job search or put you in touch with someone who can. If you’re a graduate check out the networking opportunities available for alumni from your university.  Do you belong to a professional organisation? It could be another good source for networking leads.

Use all gadgets available

There are a variety of  apps , widgets , gadgets and tools around that will help you expedite your job search and manage your career. Use them to organise your job search and save valuable job searching time. You’ll be able to do many of your job search from smartphone or tablet activities from your smart phone or tablet. It’s easy peasy!

Create a list of companies you’d love to work for

Most people have an idea of the companies they would like to work for? If you don’t it’s a good idea to research company information and create a list of companies to target in your job search. All the information you need is available on the web and it’s easy to find detailed information about potential employers online. Once you have a list of dream employers you’d love to work for send them your CV and a speculative email introducing yourself and asking if you can sign up to get email notifications for any new job openings which may come up.

Take time over producing your CV and cover letter

How do employers know that you’ve got the skills they are looking for? You’ll need to show them. It’s important to take them time to write targeted CVs and cover letters that specifically link your qualifications to the job you are applying for. It’s important that the employer will be able to see at a glance why you are right for their job. You’ll have a much better chance of getting an interview if you send a bespoke CV and cover letter rather than just a genetic one.

Be interview prepared

Taking the time in advance to prepare for an interview will help you get the job. The more prepared you are the less stressful the interview will be. Research the company before you go for the interview, dress appropriately, practice answering and asking interview questions and make a concerted effort to impress the interviewer with your skills, experience, confidence and expertise.

Don’t forget to follow up your interview

You will get big brownie points if you follow up after an interview by thanking everyone you met with. Also reiterate your interest in the position and remind the employer why you’re an excellent candidate for the job. Everyone likes to be appreciated and a quick email or note thanking the interviewer for his or her time will give you another opportunity to make a good impression.

How do you accept or decline a job offer

So you have been offered a job now you need to decide whether you want it or not. It is really important that you only take a job if you can see you being in it in a years’ time, if you are 100% happy with the content of the job, if you are content with the salary you are offered and if you are easily able to get to the company. Never, ever accept a job as a stop gap that will ruin your CV you won’t be happy and it could affect your long term career. If you are going to say no to a job though do it professionally, explain why the role is not for you and leave the door open for any other position that the employer may have that could be more suitable. Be nice!

So there you go! Good luck, it’s a wonderful market at the moment so you are not going to struggle to get a job but to get the best job that is available for you needs a little effort. Work hard at your job search and you will reap the rewards.

Good Luck  

Angela Burton